Apple TV 2 XBMC Install / Kodi Downgrade

So you have a Jailbroken Apple TV 2 and want install a specific version of XBMC or Kodi, this mini tutorial will show you how to do so.

You might be wondering why would you not simply do:

  • apt-get update
  • apt-get remove org.xbmc.kodi-atv2

That would install the latest version of Kodi, which normally wouldn’t be a problem. However development of Kodi for the Apple TV 2 platform has come to an end, so eventually you might no longer be able to do this. Another reason might be you want to boot in to boot Kodi / XBMC directly when the Apple TV is powered on for ease of use by family members, this is not possible with the latest version of Kodi.

First ssh in to your Jailbroken Apple TV, the default username is root and the default password is alpine.

Now do: apt-get update – This updates the packages available from the repositories, it wont hurt to do this.

Remove Previous versions of XBMC / Kodi:

Work you way down the list below and copy / paste the commands which are highlighted in bold to remove and clean-up from any previous Xbmc / Kodi installs.

rm -f *kodi*.deb – Deletes any previous Kodi .deb files you might have downloaded

rm -f *xbmc*.deb – Deletes any previous XBMC .deb files you might have downloaded

apt-get remove org.xbmc.xbmc-atv2 – removes XBMC if you have installed it from the repository

apt-get remove org.xbmc.kodi-atv2 – removes Kodi if you have installed it from the repository

rm -Rf /private/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC – Removes any previous user settings for XBMC

rm -Rf /private/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/Kodi – Removes any previous user settings for Kodi

Installing a specific version of XBMC or Kodi:

You can download any past version of XBMC / Kodi you desire here, the repository has all of the past XBMC / Kodi versions at the moment.

So if for example if you wanted to install the final version of XBMC which is 13.2 Gotham I would do the following:

wget – this would download the XBMC 13.2 Gotham version to my Apple TV. If i wanted to download a different version i would simply type wget then the address of the deb I wished to download.

dpkg -i *xbmc*.deb – This will install the XBMC 13.2 Gotham version i just downloaded.

If you get error about the dependency then do:  apt-get -f install

apt-get install org.tomcool.xbmc-booter – This installs the XBMC booter which automatically boots in to XBMC instead of the default Apple TV 2 user interface. Note: Do not install this if you wish to use Kodi, your Apple TV will siply boot to a black screen. However you can simply ssh in to the Apple TV again and type apt-get remove org.tomcool.xbmc-booter to remove the XBMC booter

reboot – Reboots the Apple TV

Once rebooted you should be presented with a clean install of your chosen version of XBMC / Kodi.

Here is a simple list of commands for your copy + pasting pleasure:

apt-get update
rm -f *kodi*.deb
rm -f *xbmc*.deb
apt-get remove org.xbmc.xbmc-atv2
apt-get remove org.xbmc.kodi-atv2
rm -Rf /private/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC
rm -Rf /private/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/Kodi
dpkg -i *xbmc*.deb
apt-get install org.tomcool.xbmc-booter

Hopefully someone will find this useful sometime in the future to downgrade or simply install XBMC on their Apple TV 2. I personally wanted to downgrade to XBMC 13.2 Gotham because I wanted the Apple TV to automatically boot in to XBMC for ease of use by family members.

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